Monday, March 16, 2009


Sorry we have not blogged for a while but we have family in from out of town and we have been really busy. Here are some pics!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Nava!

So on Saturday was Nava's birthday and party. We had a great day the weather was perfect and everyone showed up. We even had my uncle and his wife fly in from Scotland. There was plenty of food,fun and Nava's favorite CAKE! Of course I forgot to take pics so all I have are the ones

people have been sending to me. This dress was Hand made for Nava By my aunt Alex. Let me know if you would like one I can arrange it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mad Maxx A.K.A. Moose!

So anyway Baby boy had is 2 month check up today! We are proud to announce that baby pooh( that's Nava's name for him) is still growing strong weighing in at 16 pounds even and 24.5 inches long. He is in the 95th percentile for height and weight and as the doctor said "He's a moose". which I thought was so funny so now Maxx has his first frat name Moose. I could so see him as a moose and I am sad that I had not though of it first. So Maxx has gone from being a bowling ball to being a moose in 2 months.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Maxx!

Today Maxx is 2 months old! We have not forgotten about him we have just been busy with the party planning. This weekend Nava will be turning 2 and we are having a party for her. Maxx at 2 months can almost hold his head up. He is very alert. he is awake for a good portion of the day. He loves his sisters and successfully drinks from a bottle when it is nessary. We learn to love him more and more everyday and for now we will keep him. Pictures to follow soon.